Client Bill of Rights
When you choose M. Daniel Zwayer as your wealth management professional, I want to help you pursue your financial vision of success. As we serve you, we believe that we have an obligation to live up to your expectations and our high standards. In addition, we believe you take on responsibilities to help make your financial vision come true. Together, these rights and responsibilities are the foundations of a successful financial services relationship.
That’s why we created our ‘Client Bill of Rights‘ document (please see below). It’s purpose is to clarify what you can expect from us as your financial services firm and, in turn, what we will expect from you as our valued client.
Your Rights as Our Client
As our client, we promise to try our best to provide you with:
Responsible financial guidance including:
- A complimentary financial analysis before you become our client.
- Professional portfolio management at a fair price, tailored to your personal goals, time table, and risk tolerance as well as any other factor that is important to you.
- An annual account review session once you have become our client.
- Accurate information on the products and services we recommend to you while clearly disclosing the risks, benefits and costs.
Full and Clear Information including:
- Prompt, clear and accurate reporting of results and confirmations of activity.
- Free website access to your accounts.
- Complete confidentiality of your financial information and the disclosure of our policies we incorporate to keep your information protected.
Quality Service including:
- Fair, ethical and respectful treatment in all interactions with our firm.
- Competent, timely and courteous service.
- Accurate execution of all trades and orders.
- Invitations to special client outings.
Prompt and Fair Resolutions of Issues and Concerns including:
- Returning your phone messages within 24 hours.
- Answering your emails within 48 hours.
Our Rights as Your Wealth Management Firm
As our client, we believe you should do your very best to:
Be willing to communicate with courtesy.
- We may call you from time to time throughout the year. When we do call, we will have an idea designed to increase your income, reduce your taxes, or both. We can’t promise to have a perfect recommendation every time, but we can promise to have your investment objectives and tolerance for risk in mind. If you are not available when we call, please call us back within 48 hours.
- Please inform us when a significant change has occurred in your life that may necessitate a change in your portfolio. Examples include the birth of a child, marriage, divorce, inheritance, and proceeds from legal judgments, etc.
Be willing to educate and inform yourself.
- Thoroughly read all sales literature, prospectuses, and account agreements before making financial decisions.
- Carefully consider all risks, fees and/or other factors involved in all investment decisions.
- Ask questions or ask for information you need to make your financial decisions.
Be willing to make decisions.
- Regarding any recommendation we may make to you, we feel that we are entitled to either a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer so that there is clarity in this important dialogue between us. We believe ‘no’ does not mean ‘never’, it simply means not at the present time.
Be willing to give referrals.
- If we perform to or exceed your satisfaction expectations and you are pleased with the level of our service and professionalism, we may ask you for referrals that you feel may be in need of our services. We promise to never contact anyone without your permission in advance.
Be willing to give feedback.
- We encourage you to share your opinions with us, both positive and negative. We want to know when you are happy or unhappy. If we have done something that you believe is exceptional, please feel free to let us know that as well.

Outlook 2023: Finding Balance
Through all the challenges, newfound opportunities, and every high and low we’ve experienced during the last couple of years, it’s no surprise why we might